Nendaz hosts the International Alphorn Festival at the end of July. This is a convivial occasion that takes place on the sports field just below Domaine des Reines, with the final day taking place by the lake at Tracouet.

Swiss National Day is 1st August and another series of events/entertainment takes place beside the lake at Tracouet, with further activities and fireworks in the village during the evening.

During summer months there is a market in the village on Wednesday afternoon/early evening, with many market stalls selling local/regional produce/gifts and a variety of take-away food & drink.

Cow fighting is regular social event at the end of summer into early autumn

And in ski season there are Full Moon Parties.

We could go on and on listing these... and strongly recommend you check Nendaz Tourist website and/or visit their office

Alphorns at Tracouet

Alphorns at Tracouet

Giant cow bells make an impressive noise

Giant cow bells make an impressive noise

Carnival parade

Carnival parade

Cow fighting

Cow fighting

For more information click Nendaz Tourist Office